Burgess Auctions
Burgess Auctions is a small business in Knightstown. They are a full-time, full-service auction company. Auctions can be held for a wide variety of items such as real estate, antiques, collectibles, farm equipment, personal property, and business assets of any class just to name a few.
Burgess Auctions are members of MarkNet Alliance, a very special group of Auctioneers who conduct thousands of auctions around the world and sell billions of dollars of assets of every description every year. They have experts in almost every area of asset classification.
Auction companies can find some unusual items and surprises in homes and boxes. A huge surprise of $30,000 was found in a Spiceland home by Burgess when it was being prepared for auction. The executor of the estate was floored when it was presented to him.
Due to COVID online auctions have grown in popularity. Be sure to visit Burgess Auctions web site regularly for online and live auction dates at www.burgessacutions.com or call for information at 765-445-7814.
The New Castle Henry County Chamber of Commerce and New Castle Main Street have partnered to promote small businesses of Henry County during Small Business Week. Please watch the Courier-Times for more stories. You might be surprised what you learn about a business you have known for years!