Cash Bonanza presented by MRS Heating and Cooling
A sold-out event in 2022 and 2023! Don't miss out on the fun and cash prizes! Get your tickets now!

The purchase of one ticket gets two into this fun and cash filled event!
Saturday, September 21, 2024
New Castle Armory
Watch Facebook for updates! @nchcchamber
Event Schedule
4:45pm - Doors Open
5:00pm - Cocktail Hour : Cash bar and single player games.
6:00pm - Dinner served - Smoked pork chop, green beans, baked potato catered by Breakfast Optimists
6:30pm - Let the ticket pull begin!
Cash only for all gaming at event.
50/50 - $5 or 5/$20
Raffle baskets - $5 or 5/$20
Pull tabs - $1
Last Chance tickets - $20
Heads & Tails $5
What is Cash Bonanza?
Cash Bonanza is an annual event hosted by the New Castle Henry County Chamber of Commerce. This is the Chambers biggest fundraiser of the year! This is a night of food, fun and chance! With your ticket purchase you will enjoy a delicious dinner. There will be a cash bar for you choice of drinks.
Cash Bonanza is a fast action event with the chance to win $10,000!
Where to get tickets: Chamber of Commerce, 100 S. Main St., New Castle,
Please consider becoming a sponsor of the Cash Bonanza! There are several sponsorship levels to select from. Each level allows for great publicity for your business.
Most sponsorships include ticket/s for the $10,000 prize and event.
The sooner you commit to sponsoring, the more publicity your business will receive!
Questions? Call 765-529-5210 or email
Tickets will be available after July 15 Chamber office: 100 S. Main St., Ste. 108, New Castle, IN and from Chamber Board Members.
Tickets are $100 for a chance to win $10,000. 2nd prize is $1,000.
NO at the door ticket sales.
Tickets may be purchased online by credit or debit card by clicking here. Tickets will not be mailed. They must be picked up at the Chamber office by September 13.
No out of state ticket sales.
18 and older event.
Questions? Call 765-529-5210 or email
You Have Your Tickets! Now What?
Come on down! The prize is right! You will be attending the Chamber's biggest FUNdraiser of the year!
The ticket holder is entered in the $10,000 grand prize drawing. As well as other prize drawings.
MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! Purchased a ticket and cannot attend? Call and give us a proxy to put on your ticket. Must be someone who is attending.
The ticket holder may bring one guest. The guest is eligible for the nights cash to play prizes but not the $10,000 drawing.
The ticket holder and the guest both may attend the cocktail hour and receive dinner.
There will be additional gaming during the night such as 50/50, raffles, and other games. These games are NOT included in the $100 ticket purchased prior to the event.
Come prepared - ALL games are cash only.
MUST have your raffle ticket stub to claim raffle prizes.
Cocktail Hour
$10,000 Chance to win!
Tickets are placed in a roller hopper and drawn during the event.
Many cash prizes are given away during the event. But, the one everybody anxiously awaits for is the $10,000 grand prize!
Only 300 tickets are sold for this event! Be sure to get your ticket (or a few) and good luck!
Come on Down and win a trip!
Purchase a $20 chance ticket during cocktail hour. Four tickets will be drawn at the close of cocktail hour. Those four attendees will 'Come on down!' to the stage and bid on the travel prize package. The one with the closest bid to the value of the trip without going over wins their choice from 7 trips to choose from!
Sponsored by Lana Freeman / Travel Creations
Last Chance
A $20 last chance ticket may be purchased in addition to the $100 ticket. You must be a $100 ticket holder to play in the last chance.
50 / 50
Traditional 50/50 game. Half of money collected goes to attendee whose ticket is drawn.
Heads and Tails
A fast and fun intermission game! Place your hands on your head or your tail. A coin will be flipped. If it lands on heads and your hands are on your head you sit down. This continues until there is only one person standing. That person receives half of the money collect from that game.
$5 cash to play.
Come on Down Announcer Contest
During intermission those who wish to play will come to the stage and pay $5. Contestants will them do their best 'Come on Down'. The audience will vote on their favorite with applause and cheers.
There's More!
More Chances to Win!
Your choice raffles - Purchase tickets (5/$20 or $5/each) for a chance to win a basket valued at $100 or more donated by local businesses!
50/50 - Purchase tickets (5/$20 or $5/each) for a traditional 50/50 cash prize drawing!
NEW - We have some new FUN games this year! We are going to keep it a secret until the day of the event - everyone loves surprises!