Chamber Youth Ambassador Program
Henry County Chamber of Commerce Introduces Youth Ambassador Program
The Henry County Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit member organization that provides support to member businesses. Known for their famous Memorial Day parade, Career Day, guest presenters and Christmas Walk, this year, the Chamber added something new for junior and senior students from the Henry County area with an opportunity to develop leadership skills, gain valuable experience in community involvement, and serve as liaisons between local businesses and the youth community. The Chamber Youth Ambassador Program (YAP) aims to cultivate strong and engaged young leaders who will contribute to the growth and development of their communities.
The Chamber of Commerce hosted its first Youth Ambassador meeting Monday, June 12th. Nine attendees appeared on the first day and introduced themselves; Executive Director, Shonda Kane, started the meeting by revealing what the Chamber does and what they are about. Cindy Brooks, Chamber Member Services, took the floor afterward and reviewed things expected from the young ambassadors in the upcoming weeks. Guest speakers, council meetings, and workforce skills are some things that Brooks mentioned. Thank you to Colin O’Farrow, YAP member and Chamber intern for his work at the Chamber including this press release.
The nine ambassadors either attend New Castle, Blue River, or Knightstown High School; two graduated this year. The guest speakers are from Henry County and like to educate the young ambassadors about investing, marketing, economic development in the county, Etc.
For more information on this program or the Chamber please call 765-529-5210 or visit www.nchcchamber.

Destiny McGlothin, Kinadee Flynn, Eli Sayre, Tyler Brooks, Sarah Jones, Mark Nelson, CJ Kimerly, Colin O'Farrow, Isaiah Paris

Several Youth Ambassadors attend the City Council meeting on June 20, 2023